Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fabric Flower

So, in my numerous searches on etsy, i've managed to find fabric flowers that I wanted to attempt to make. I've tried them before, and got discouraged, but now that I have a child to accessorize, I wanted to give it one more shot.

I cut 8 pieces of fabric, 1 1/2 inches squared


I then folded the square into a triangle . Youre going to fold the square three times total, folding the longest length of the triangle over each time.

Next, take a needle and thread, and sew together the loose ends of the triangle. I usually do 2 stitches, and then knot 2 to 3 times, to make a secure end.

 This is how it should look from over head. The sewn section is under my fingers.

I then cut the tip off the bottom portion of the petal. It'll help it to lay flat when you add a barette, or clip. It'll end up looking like a trapezoid.

 Once I have all 8 petals done, I start gluing them together, making sure each petal is even, and flush with the next.

 After you have all eight, I glue a clip on the bottom, and then add a button to hide the thread and glue keeping it all together.

Here's Ava, modeling her new flower clip!

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